Tactics Lessons

Each chess online tutorial covers a different tactics theme consisting of four difficulty levels: Beginner (A), Novice (B), Average (C), Master (D). These lessons were developed from those available as free tactics lessons at The Chess Page http://webplaza.pt.lu/ckaber/Chess.htm (as of February 2003).

Lessons will be posted as time permits and each lesson s links will become active when posted (links are active when appearing in navy/dark blue text; if text is black then not yet available). There are also available pgn files for downloading presenting the problems in each lesson with annotations and my commentary, plus a full pgn file with many additional games for reviewing covering each lesson topic, with annotations but does not include my commentary. In addition, for those wishing to download each lesson’s starting diagrams (in jpg format) and a text (txt) document with solutions, annotations, and my commentary, I provide a zipped file for downloading for each lesson.


Lesson Page Link Downloads
Lesson 1
Back Rank Weakness
Lesson 1 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 1 PGN
Lesson 1
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 2
Discovered Attack
Lesson 2 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 2 PGN
Lesson 2
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 3
Entombed Kings
Lesson 3 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 3 PGN
Lesson 3
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 4
King in the Center
Lesson 4 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 4 PGN
Lesson 4
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 5
Pulling King to bad squares
Lesson 5 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 5 PGN
Lesson 5
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 6
Mating Attack
Lesson 6 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 6 PGN
Lesson 6
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 7
Opening/Closing Files
Lesson 7 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 7 PGN
Lesson 7
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 8
Opening/Closing Diagonals
Lesson 8 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 8 PGN
Lesson 8
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 9
Long diagonals
Lesson 9 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 9 PGN
Lesson 9
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 10
Bishop Pair
Lesson 10 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 10 PGN
Lesson 10
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 11
Lesson 11 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 11 PGN
Lesson 11
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 12
Pulling pieces to bad squares
Lesson 12 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 12 PGN
Lesson 12
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 13
Freeing/Blocking Squares
Lesson 13 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 13 PGN
Lesson 13
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 14
The Pin
Lesson 14 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 14 PGN
Lesson 14
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 15
Too much pressure on defense
Lesson 15 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 15 PGN
Lesson 15
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 16
Passed-pawn /pawn-breakthrough
Lesson 16 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 16 PGN
Lesson 16
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file
Lesson 17
Double Attack
Lesson 17 PGN
(12 game problems)
Lesson 17 PGN
Lesson 17
(diagrams & solutions)
zipped file