USSR 1969
Black to Move
1…Bf4!! Black’s Bishop attacks White’s Queen, while opening discovered attack threatening mate via Qh5# 2.Rxf4?? |
[2.Nd5 while this move blocks mate at h5, White loses Queen; can follow with capture of Black’s Rook at g4, but Black will win easily by following with h5+!! 2…Bxd2 3.Kxg4 h5+ 4.Kh4 Kh6 5.Kg3 Qg1+ 6.Kh3 Bd7+ 7.Rf5 Qg4# is just one of the several easy lines to mate] |
2…Qh5# |
Como 1907
White to Move
A lesson in the devastating consequences when bringing the Queen out too early before adequate development, lack of King Safety-failure to castle, and opening files. While it appears that Black has been on a merry romp around the board against White, appearances are often very deceiving. 1.Qxe8+!! Queen sacrifice to start the mating net 1…Kxe8 2.Nd4+ Kf8 |
[2…Kd8 3.Rg8#] | |
[2…Qe5 3.Rg8+ Ke7 4.Nf5#] | |
3.Re8+!! Kxe8 4.Rg8+ Ke7 5.Nf5# |
Prag 1931
White to Move
1.Qxb7+!! Queen sacrifice coupled with an open file, leads to two different available mating nets 1…Kxb7 2.Bxd7+ Ka8 |
[2…Ka6 3.Bc8+ Ka5 4.Nc4+ Ka4 5.Rb4#] | |
3.Rxb8+! Kxb8 4.Rb1+ Ka8 5.Bc6# |