This section is the Endgames Practice Problems Series #1, covering a range of endgames, from simple checkmates/basic endgames to complex endgames, stalemates, and draws. There are three levels: Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced.
Beginner: Thirty-one problems covering Mates in One, Mates in Two, Mates in Three, Stalemates, Draws, and more. Basic endgames principles. Problems range from very easy to somewhat more challenging.
Intermediate: Fifteen problems-start with either a checking move or a pawn promotion, except Problems #s 12, 13, 14 & #15. Higher level of difficulty; more complex move order & calculation.
Advanced: Fifteen problems-several types: very complex positions; not overly complex but require many moves to mate; start with a move that is not a check or pawn promotion; have intermediate move(s) that are not check(s) (e.g. three moves that are not check, but wrap the mating net with the fourth and final move being check/checkmate); or the player who loses is to move first. Range from relatively easy to very difficult.
Each game header notes the level of difficulty, the player to move (or if the opposing player is to mate), number of moves to mate or other result (stalemate or draw – 1/2-1/2), and a Hint (for most problems).
Each practice problem is a “blank” game – all moves are “hidden.” Hovering the cursor over a hidden half-move box in the notations section in the right frame of a problem page will temporarily reveal the move notation. For Internet Explorer and browsers with similar capabilities, clicking on the “hidden” half-move box will display the move in the notations section. For Netscape, Firefox, Mozilla, and browsers of like kind, clicking on the half move “hidden” box will only temporarily reveal the move, and not fully display it in the notations section (becomes “hidden” again when the cursor is moved off the box), even if the move notation is clicked. Clicking on a half-move notation will cause it to be made on the board (except in Non-Javascript Mode), and noted in the “Move Made:” box below the diagram.
Each page is designed to be able to be printed on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper using a browser’s print button in the menu bar (if displayed), or the print command under File in top menu. The problem’s diagram along with the solution(s) notation displayed will print out.
Commentary Mode:
In some instances, problem’s notation will contain explanatory comments either before or after a half-move.
Non-Javascript Mode: This mode contains commentary, but not interactive games boards, for viewers having browsers that are not Java-enabled. The moves are “hidden” as with other modes of viewing. If your browser is not Java-enabled, upon entering the problems area the page in the left frame will warn that the browser is not Java-enabled (the page in the right frame will say “Loading problem notation”). The link on the page in the left frame when clicked will load the level’s index in the left frame. Clicking on a problem # in the index will load the diagram for that problem on a page in the left frame. That page when loaded will have a link to click to load the solution(s) on a page in the right frame, along with Previous and Next boxes to move through the problems.
How to Use Interactive Boards (in addition to general hovering/clicking method mentioned above):
Decide on your move. To test your move/see the correct move, you may:
In Commentary Mode:
1. You may click the forward half-move arrow (third arrow in set of four) below the diagram. Each click of the arrow will step you through the main solution line. You may use the arrows to move to the beginning of the game, back one half move, forward one-half move, and to the end of the main solution line. To play an alternate line (solution), you must click on the appropriate “hidden” box for the half-move in the notations section in the frame to the right of the board.
2. You may click the appropriate blank space for the “hidden” half-move box in the notation section to the right of the board to see the correct move and have it made on the board.
3. You also may click on Auto Play button [A], and have the main line solution played automatically. You can choose the play speed with the drop-down selection box (starts with 2-average speed). Note: Auto Play will only play the main line. To play an alternate line (solution), you must click on the appropriate blank space in the notations box to the right of the board.
Links (drop-down list and foward and back arrow buttons) to other problems in the level of difficulty are below the board in the left frame. Links to other levels of difficulty or changing to a different mode for the current level of difficult are in the right frame below the notations section. There is also a link to the Endgames tutorials, Main Chess Page, and my web home. You may also return to the Main Chess Page by clicking on the logo at the top of page in the right frame.